日本医薬品添加剤協会 |
和名 グリチルリチン酸三ナトリウム 英文名 Trisodium Glycyrrhizinate CAS 71277-78-6 (link to ChemIDplus) 別名 Trisodium glycyrrhizin 収載公定書 外原規(2006) 用途 矯味剤 ■単回投与毒性 (link to ChemIDplus)
■遺伝毒性 (link to CCRIS), (link to GENE-TOX)
■反復投与毒性 (link to TOXLINE) 以下については該当文献なし ■がん原性 ■生殖発生毒性 ■局所刺激性 ■その他の毒性 ■ヒトにおける知見 ■引用文献 1) Baltina LA, Davydova VA, tolstikova TG, Zarudyi FS, Murinov YuI, Bondarev AI, Trisubstituted salts of β-glycyrrhizic acid having sntifinflammatory and antiulcerous activity, Pharmaceut. Chem. J., 1991; 25: 201-206 2) 梅津 剛吉 家庭用化学薬品の知識-毒性・中毒-, 薬局1981; 11: 1367-1372 3) 石館 基, 吉川邦衛, 祖父尼俊雄I. 食品添加物の変異原性試験成績−昭和54年度厚生省試験研究費による 第一次スクリーニング・データ(第一回), 変異原と毒性, 1980; 3: 82-90 4) Ishidate M JR, Sofuni T, Yoshikawa K, Nohmi T, Sawada M, Matsuoka A Primary mutagenicity screening of food additives currently used in Japan, Fd. Chem.. Toxic 1984; 22: 623-636 5) KawachiT, Yahagi T, Kada T, Tazima Y, Ishidate M, Sasaki M, Cooperative programme on short-term assays for carcinogenicity in Japan, In Montesano R, Bartsch H, Tmatis L editors Molecular and cellular aspects of carcinogen screening tests, Lyon IARC, 1980; 27:p. 323-330 6) Sasaki M, Sugimura K, Yoshida MA, Abe S Cytogenetic effects of 60 chemicals on cultured human and Chinese hamster cells, La Kuromosomo II-20, 1980; 20: 574-584 7) Yoshida S, Masubuchi M, Hiraga K, Induced chromosome aberrations by artificial sweeteners in CHO-K1 cells, Mutat. Res., 1978; 54: 262 8) Abe S, Sasaki M, SCE as an index of mutagenesis and/or carcinogenesis, In Sandberg AA editor, Volume II Sister Chromatid Exchange, Progress and Topics in cytogenesis, New York; Alan R. Liss, Inc.; 1982. p. 461-514 9) Hayashi M, Kishi M, Sofuni T, Ishidate Jr, Micronucleus test in mice on 39 food additives and eight miscellaneous chemicals, Fd. Chem. Toxic., 1988; 26: 487-500 |メニューへ| |
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